Collaboration supports long-term sustainability for an imperiled global arts ecosystem. Collaboration is our expression of a fundamental commitment to the transfer of ideas across places, times, and communities and to relationships of mutual benefit. We place value in forms of knowledge that have been enriched and changed by competing perspectives.

Rivers’s collaborators are not chosen for their similarities—whether in size of organization, budget, institutional structure, or role in the arts and culture community. Our differences abound and are glaring. Our collaborators include a community-based historical archive, residencies, independent publishers, public institutions, and non-profits working across the globe and ranging in size and scale. Like rivers, our collaborative organ grows across geographies and follows the work. But in every instance, we find consensus with our partners around art as forms of thought—constructed, tested, and reshaped across communities and through transmission—and a commitment to knowledge informed by the periphery.

We are currently building a global network of long-term partners with whom we are developing future projects. Artists and their work lead us into new communities and histories.